La voce degli ultimi

sabato 21 Dicembre 2024
8.1 C
Città del Vaticano

La voce degli ultimi

sabato 21 Dicembre 2024

AN ACCLAIM TO PROFESSIONALITYInterview with Matteo Piantedosi, Deputy Managing-Director of Public Security

No chance! There does seem to be this sort of notion, but it is definitely not the case. The police is made up of men and women, who are so professionally well-prepared that you would never have immagined, possessing a sensitivity like any ordinary human being and having the same anguishes: when faced up to certain situations, they will make the sign of the cross before leaving for…. They are just like any other person but with greater responsibilities.

Like for instance? Stopping a person, for example. This aspect is quite delicate and is inherent to the same term: public force. Almost an exception to the general principle: the police may exercise ‘ force ‘, obviously within the limits consented by democracy. However, it is a delicate issue, because operators in this field, in a very short time, need to face up to decisions that would be extremely difficult for anyone else; they need to establish in practice, whether a behavior is legitimate, lawfully right or fair.

How do you see the story about wages and a strike round the corner? That the financial difficulties of the moment could also have repercussions on the sector regarding public security was comprehensible and policemen have a great share in the problem, then one should consider that some current dynamics do bring imbalances within the same organization. In addition, police workers are not like others, not only because of the difficulty of their task which we have already mentioned; it would just be enough to say that the fundamental right to strike is denied to them. Therefore, the attention paid and the willingness to dialogue of Minister Alfano and the government to address this issue, is particularly significant and much appreciated.

Merging all the different police forces: what are your thoughts about this? First of all, the myth that the existence of multiple Police Forces is specific only to Italy should be dispelled: in other European countries there are multiple security forces. And, anyway, before we talk about ‘uniting’ let’s talk about history: if it has existed for hundreds of years, there must be a valid reason for this…Data at hand, ours is the best amongst existing models of coordination.

Any milestones in your life? Oh goodness, yes of course! I believe strongly in the presence of someone above who gives us a profound sense to our life on earth. The State is also part of my life, not only in terms of work but also in terms of inter-relations. I think it’s important living together with others, sharing ideals and history. This is not to be understood as an element that distinguishes one from the other. And that is why I especially love my work.

And what about the family? Essential part. Without the subsidiary value, it would not exist. I would like to put it in an eminent non religious tone: besides being the transmission-belt of future generations, if there had to be no family, we would need more hospitals, more police, more assistance… Obviously, I’m joking-it would increase our national debt.





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