La voce degli ultimi

giovedì 9 Gennaio 2025
15.7 C
Città del Vaticano

La voce degli ultimi

giovedì 9 Gennaio 2025


Along the coastline of the Red Sea, to the East of the Sinai Peninsula, a few kilometers away from Dahab, lies concealed a real natural haven, a dream destination for all who love diving: the Blue Hole. This place is nothing more than a large underwater sinkhole, a spectacular spot unique in the world, consisting of a submarine depression measuring about 100 feet deep and 50 feet wide. It is a perfectly round chasm with walls covered by stalagmites and the most bizarre-shaped rock formations, the ideal habitat for coral and micro-organisms. The outstanding feature of this cave is the dark blue colour of its waters.

The cave is also known as “Diver’s Cemetery (cemetery of void); This magical place, indeed often lures divers to go beyond the limits consented for diving (40 m down) due to an arc-formed passage 26 meters long which connects the Blue Hole to the sea at about a depth of 60 feet. The consequences are often fatal due to the release of nitrogen narcosis which prevents one to act consciously, often leading then to plunge deeper into the chasm.

Deaths ascertained concern males betwen the ages of 25 and 35. With the exception of the 24-year-old Barbara Dillinger who died way back in ‘ 98. Owing to the large number of accidents and deaths (over one hundred) it is known to be the most dangerous diving-site in the world.
Hidden behind the angular entrance, makes it difficult to find the arc. This cavernous amphitheater, is longer than it seems, and there is often a strong opposing current which makes it difficult to pass through. Lacking in precise reference points in the deep, many divers are deceived by the arc leading them to believe they are only a few strokes away.

The pressure at this depth, is six times higher than that at sea level and the amount of air used is six times more. Should something go wrong at a certain depth, there is no way of mounting back to the surface. Only on one single cylinder makes it impossible to cross the arc. The only direction left to take up is the chasm to find subsequent death.
However, if you are aware of the risks, the ‘Blue Hole’ is one of the most beautiful places, nature has to offer in a water-environment.

Translation provided by Marina Stronati

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