La voce degli ultimi

mercoledì 12 Febbraio 2025
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Città del Vaticano

La voce degli ultimi

mercoledì 12 Febbraio 2025

September 11th, Obama warns Isis: ” whoever attacks Us, will have no paradise!”

“Our goal is clear: we intend depotentializing and finally destroying Isis in a vast and long-term counter-terrorism strategy”. US President, Barack Obama spoke to the American nation last night announcing the intention to fight the Jihadists Islamic State: “we will hunt down the terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they may be”. It is not a holy war, it is not a clash between the West and Islam, but a fight without borders against Isis, the so-called Islamic State under whose name it wants to impose terrorism on the world. The U.S. President was clear, making an indirect reference to the Koran: no paradise for those who attack America.

The United States will lead an international coalition which will be expanded in Iraq and bombing strikes are to begin over Syria to “weaken and eventually destroy” the terrorists. “America will lead a vast joint operation against the terrorist threat. “I shall not hesitate to take action against Isis in Syria as in Iraq.”Obama’s decision springs from an important change: the formation of a new “inclusive”government body in Iraq, defined on numerous occasions by the U.S. President, as the prerequisite for the possibility of a change in situation and destruction of Isis, which controls a large area in the North of the country. As the President himself has admitted in the past few weeks, it will take time, perhaps even years, to completely destroy the Islamic State. In view of this, another aspect central to this point is a joint action with a broader based international coalition”: Before taking this decision he consulted Congress and the allies abroad.

Obama has called Isis extremists as “unique in their brutality”, citing massacres of innocents and the killing of the two American journalists, dclaring that “if the issue was not properly addressed, the threat could spread beyond the region into the Middle East. The President has pointed out that the mission has no definite deadline, “it will take time to eradicate Isis”, with four military strongholds: a systematic campaign of air strikes; support to the Syrian opposition, including arm supplies and training; a coordinated intelligence-offensive to cut funds and the influx of foreign fighters to Isis; finally, relief aid to the victims.

He who wanted to put an end to a decade of wars, but despite all this, finds himself having to continue the fight. However, unlike 13 years ago – he promises – America will not be dragged into a new conflict like Iraq or Afghanistan. “American troops will not be involved on foreign soil,” he remarked. But at the same time announced that Baghdad would send other 475 soldiers, who along with military advisors that have already been sent in recent weeks, would reinforce the roughly 1,600 U.S. military units present in Iraq. Their task is not to participate in combat missions, as the Pentagon has continued, but to defend U.S. personnel and to give its support, not on the battlefield, but to the Iraqi forces. Obama compares the strategy about to be adopted against Isis to the one that has already been carried out “successfully in Yemen and Somalia”. A “systematic” campaign of massive air-raid bombings, just like the ones that are to strike against the men of Caliph al Baghdadi, wherever they may be.

Traduzione: Marina Stronati




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