La voce degli ultimi

giovedì 26 Dicembre 2024
13.6 C
Città del Vaticano

La voce degli ultimi

giovedì 26 Dicembre 2024

Ankara has an agreement with France about anti missile system, jumping the agreement with China

The difficulties in the agreement with Beijing had been confermed by mr. Erdogan. The contract has a value of 2.9 billion dollars. The situation in Middle East is always warmer and the Turkey decides to accelerate the installation of an anti missile system. The partner designated to purchase the military infrastructure will be probably the France. It seems intended to blow up the agreement with China, which was the first choice of the Ankara government.

The difficulties in the agreement with Beijing had been confirmed by mr. Tayyp Erdogan. “Elements of disagreement with China are occurring on the issue of joint production and the know how needed to manage the missile system – the turkish president said on the sidelines of the NATO summit -. This despite the discussions are continuing but the France, second on the list, has made a new offer and currently we maintain discussions with them”.

The negotiations with the Chinese continued last September when Ankara had found in the China Precision Machinery Export-Import Corporation the ideal partner for the delivery of ground-air missiles at the long range. This choice disappointed (and not just a little) Washington. Chinese society is in fact the target of American sanctions, as they would have sold to Iran and Syria technologies for the production of missiles. But behind the disappoint of United States there would also be something else.The running for the award of rich contract (estimated value of 2.9 billion dollars) by the American company Raytheon and Lockeed Martin excluded from turkish government.

Translation provided by Pietro Ferreri




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