La voce degli ultimi

lunedì 24 Febbraio 2025
9.1 C
Città del Vaticano

La voce degli ultimi

lunedì 24 Febbraio 2025

Terror in Rio de Janeiro: the shooting of 10-hour block thousand pupils

Terror in Rio de Janeiro for a shootout that lasted almost an hour in the northern area of the city. The conflict in fire, in which two men were killed, required the intervention of the army, which came with half Armored to the Avenida Brasil, the road that runs along a favela.

The firefight captured in classrooms around 10,000 students: Avenida Brasil has been closed, because of Motorists traveling along the road in the wrong direction, for avoid the blows of a firearm. As reported by the police, the two men killed were armed and were by Conjunto da Mare, a very large area behind the international airport of Rio, where there are 15 favelas controlled by organized crime.

Just Conjunto by Sea, during the World Cup last summer, was manned by nearly 3000 paratroopers, replacing the 500 police officers who usually control the area, which is considered one of the most dangerous cities.




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